About me

Juraj Kružliak - 1994 - Bratislava, Slovakia

For my profession, my current focus is in the career of Front-end Developer and Web development in general. Creating web pages seemed like an interesting skill to pick up many years ago since I've spent most of my time in front of a computer screen anyway.

So from:

what excuse can I have to spend too much time on the computer


I could get employed with what I currently know instead of studying stuff I don't enjoy


I actually really enjoy doing this with a team of people and it pays well
Juraj Kružliak profile shot
2021 - colorized

About this page

You gotta practice what you learn

This page is made with React library and NextJs framework (+MUI and Redux). Even though NextJs is most likely quite big overkill for a page like this, I chose to use it anyway so I have a place to practice what I studied in theory.

The secondary goal of this page is to serve as an additional resource to my CV, so if you are interested contact me, or if you are here from my CV, welcome.

React and NextJs logo
The more I know, the more is there to know


A lot of little T-shaped skillsets

Even though my current career focus is on Web development, I can not say that I am a very T-shaped skilled person. Mostly because every now and then I will get completely distracted by another small T. That means that I have few skills that give me a much broader understanding of the whole process of Web creation, but there is also a bunch of those that have nothing to do with it. I call them “a whole lot of very small Ts”, other call them hobbies.

DnD and Adobe CC logos
Creative work with Adobe tools and Dungeons and Dragons are few of my favourite things

Vector illustrations, animations, video editing and photography

Lacking the practice and talent, not the dream

Just as many other things, this passion came just from a simple thought of “this would be super cool to know how to do!” As with everything the more I knew on the topic the more I learned how much there is to know. Slowly I taught myself the basics of almost all Adobe CC applications. My focus ended up in dreams and big ideas of video production and animation which I enjoy doing whenever I get the opportunity.

As things piled up and I started my career in web development I found a lot of creativity that goes into that as well. Thanks to my general interest I got opportunities to learn UX and some design for the web.

The one free time activity that I do rarely but that gives me the most happiness is photography. I would not even say that the act of taking photos is so enjoyable, but for me, it is the happiness from those rare photos that I feel proud of.

closeup of few ants
Taken with unmounted and inverted lense for this level of zoom with lense not intended for it

Dungeons and Dragons

Where big ideas can be reality, kind of

My first interaction with DnD was when I was around 10 and my brother showed me his “Dračí Doupě”. Even though I never had anyone to play with, I was always fascinated with the premise. Fast forward a few years and DnD became a bit more popular thanks to the success of Critical Role and I got hooked as well. I tried few things but nothing really stuck until we were able to create a group of people that would play together at work. Still, playing DnD is my biggest highlight of every week we are able to play.

From my love for DnD came love and interest in storytelling, character building and world creation. I do not spend building my world as much time as I would like, but the process is slowly but surelly moving forward.

Me and friend playing DnD
Our second session together, back in 2018


At some point during high school, I completed Baristic course that I never used. Lately I got into making tasty drinks since getting them outside wasn't the option for a time.